Beer Dear Abby: I called my friend’s husband out for teasing me. Now he avoids me whenever I visit by admin July 30, 2023 by admin July 30, 2023 DEAR ABBY: About 10 years ago, I visited my oldest and dearest friend, who… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Abby: My son and his girlfriend’s PDAs are so over the top it makes me ill by admin July 29, 2023 by admin July 29, 2023 DEAR ABBY: My son is dating a girl I can’t stand. I’m not too… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Annie: Mother-daughter relationship leaves traumatic imprints by admin July 28, 2023 by admin July 28, 2023 Dear Annie: My mom and I have always had a weird relationship. Throughout my… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Doctor: Woman’s poor leg strength makes climbing stairs difficult by admin July 28, 2023 by admin July 28, 2023 DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife (age 59) has very poor leg strength. This has… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Abby: Dad wants to cut the strings tying him to dependent 40-year-old daughter by admin July 28, 2023 by admin July 28, 2023 DEAR ABBY: My 40-year-old daughter has never grown up. Until recently, she relied on… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Doctor: Are there statins that are better or safer for someone with diabetes? by admin July 26, 2023 by admin July 26, 2023 DEAR DR. ROACH: In a recent column, you noted that “atorvastatin can increase blood… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Doctor: My doctor recommended a low-fat, low-carb diet. What exactly does that mean? by admin July 25, 2023 by admin July 25, 2023 DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a healthy 75-year-old male. I’m a bit frustrated after seeing… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Annie: An invitation to Italy, turns into a plan hassle the locals with unwelcome proselytizing by admin July 24, 2023 by admin July 24, 2023 Dear Annie: I have a family problem for which I would appreciate your opinion.… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Abby: Pull of pickleball partner may be too much to put off by admin July 24, 2023 by admin July 24, 2023 DEAR ABBY: I play pickleball with a nice group of people. Partners normally split… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Beer Dear Annie: Expert notes there’s no direct correlation between people who fall and driving ability by admin July 23, 2023 by admin July 23, 2023 Dear Annie: I am a retired RN, and I was interested when one of… 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail