Having the right vessel to enjoy your wine is important and we know it can have a big impact on enjoyment, from what aromas reach you in the glass to how comfortable it is to use. Most wine lovers will have a selection of glasses in various shapes to accommodate big, bold flavours and to lock in effervescence, enhancing their tasting experience.
One brand, however, is going against the grain, designing a universal glass to suit all styles of wine rather convincingly. René Gabriel, wine critic and founder of Gabriel Glas, created the StandArt glass, now famously used in Michelin star establishments such as Quince, Lazy Bear and Angler, as well as Napa Valley wineries Harlan Estate, Darioush and Keplinger.

Mark Bright of Saison
The StandArt glass is a seamless, machine blown design free of creases or joins. Both lightweight and luxurious in feel, it has a wider bowl to allow wine to breathe, with a narrower neck to suit sparkling wines. While luxurious, the StandArt glass is surprisingly durable and, you’ll be pleased to know, dishwasher safe, thanks to the lack of joints – which makes stemware more breakable- and lead-free design.

The StandArt by Gabriel Glas
Better still, the StandArt glass is the vessel of choice for the Decanter Wine Club hosts at Wine Access, when streaming their tastings and insights into each case shipment.
If you fancy consolidating your stemware selection without impacting your enjoyment, take a look at the Gabriel Glas StandArt glasses.