Shame on The Oregonian for buying into the Eugene track meet! (“Editorial: Lace up, Oregon. The World Athletics Championships Oregon22 is about to begin,” July 13.) You have bought the distortions and nonsense being spread by promoters. 1. Few Oregonians even care about the very minor sport of track and field. The same with most Americans. In checking with friends, none had even heard about it, and were not interested. Small sample size, but telling. 2. Like other Eugene track meets, this will do little for the Eugene area, and less for the state. We already are hearing about hotel price gouging. News reports have detailed restaurant workers losing out, as some outsiders do not tip. The large Eugene hospital, Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend, is over capacity, and unable to properly serve those in need. 3. Taxpayers, without voting on it, are subsidizing this boondoggle. Wouldn’t the money be better spent on actual public benefit? Eugene and the state are experiencing rampant homelessness, increasing crime, dopers and drunks draining resources, poor quality schools, lack of medical care, etc. And we spend on a dead sport, with no real benefit!
Take off the rose-colored glasses, put on your big boy pants and be honest with the public. This is a waste of taxpayer money, and could be much better spent!
Richard H. Smith, Albany