As millions of Americans prepare for Labor Day vacations, an ice cold Natty Light might cost thirsty imbibers drastically different prices, depending on where they travel.
An annual report from the Tax Foundation provides insight into each state’s alcohol taxing policies. Beer lovers jetting to Tennessee, where excise taxes reach a stunning $1.29, might be paying quite a steep price for their next brew. The map below, provided by the independent tax policy nonprofit, measures excise taxes by the gallon.
Most excise taxes aren’t immediately visible to consumers — they’re not printed on receipts like sales taxes. As the tax is charged to individual retailers rather than consumers, it’s instead calculated into beers’ shelf prices.
Wyoming residents enjoy the lowest excise taxes nationwide ($0.02), while Missouri and Wisconsin are tied for a close second ($0.06). California might be known for its high cost of living, but its beer is taxed at a middle-of-the-road $0.20. It ranks no. 30 on the Tax Foundation’s infographic.
Despite talk of inflation and economic instability this summer, excise taxes don’t appear to increase in any state since last year.
Keep reading to learn which states pay the highest excise taxes on beer.