Public support for government at all levels is unfortunately very low today. The recent vote for changing Portland’s form of government was not so much approval of a specific new structure as a message of strong disapproval for the present council’s ability to resolve Portland’s problems. Granting a large salary increase for council members, from $127,000 to $142,000 a year, even though their administrative workload will be removed by the change, will only increase the public’s skepticism of government. This is especially true when the amount of money needed to pay for the increase in council membership after the change will more than double what the city pays now, (“Citing ‘anti-oppressive’ salary model, Portland panel proposes big pay raises for future elected leaders,” June 16).
The argument that increased salaries will allow minority candidates to run and be elected is bogus, and easily disproved by looking at the present council’s makeup. It has three members of color and one gay man. Commission members should also look at the annual salary of a Multnomah County commissioner: it is currently about $125,000, and 3 out of 5 county commission members are people of color.