The Story Behind The El Sancho Claus
Eggnog is a holiday classic for a reason. Its creamy texture and seasonal spices make it an ideal comfort drink throughout the season. Rompope, a rum-spiked, eggnog-adjacent beverage, serves as the foundation for Mírate’s El Sancho Claus.
To give this version a savory kick, beverage director Max Reis integrated mushroom-infused Charanda, a Uruapan style rum made in Michoacan, with a high-proof agricole-style Oaxacan rum. Also in the mix is agave-based raicilla from western Jalisco, and a house-made Pasita, a famous Pueblan rum-based raisin liqueur that’s typically served alongside salty cheese.
*House Pasita Ingredients
- 2 cups Paranubes Añejo
- 2 cups Uruapan Añejo
- 2 cups Gustoso Añejo
- 2 1/2 cups raisins
- 1/4 ounce Pectinex
*House Pasita Directions
- Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until raisins are liquified and the blender jar is hot to the touch.
- Let sit overnight, or until visibly separated.
- Add to Spinzall and spin in batch mode until clear. If you don’t have a Spinzall, pour ingredients through a fine strainer or coffee filter until clear.
- Seal and store.